Continued Professional Development for Health-Care Providers

Continued professional development is provided in the form of in-service training and formal workshops.
During 2013 we organised 3 formal workshops, together with Tana City Church Analakely and Redeemer Mission Church New York. In August 2013 17 physiotherapists completed a 2-day workshop on PDF techniques for children with cerebral palsy and upper limb therapy. 12 pharmacists and oncologists attended a day workshop in drug interactions. 10 midwives attended a day workshop on the importance of monitoring babies during delivery. The participants of these workshops received official Ministry of Public Health certificates of attendance. General feedback on the content was positive, and there were many requests for continued training.
At CAM, one of the rehabilitation centres in Antananarivo, 3 in-service training events were organised. The first was a workshop on soft-splinting techniques of cerebral palsy, adapted to the Madagascar context and resources. The second was a workshop focussing on strokes and cognition facilitated by occupational therapist Sandra Huber, and the third a practical workshop about the role of occupational therapy in the multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team. These events were attended by the doctors, physiotherapists and orthopidic technitians from the centre. Again, the feedback was positive, with a request for more training in the future.
Various continued professional development events for 2014 are already planned, and we look forward to sharing these with you as they take place.